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Ganja Tea: A Clafe Poem

Categories // Safe Clafe

By @SafeClafe Ganja Tea: A Clafe Poem

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Lass Friday in de HoA

some bies were actin mug,

wheyn PLP’s Shark Spleen did say:
“I gave my daughter drugs”.

De critics asked him, up in arms:

“You gave her ganja tea?!?”

Yaboy replied wif ample charm:

“Yamon, when she was three.”

So Bermy started shockin out

wif moral panic so,

that Scandal which it brought about

wuz like dat dopey show.

But umma tell you why thurr wrong,

an why Shark Spleen is right,

and sure as Grennies wear sarongs,

you’ll drink hiz tea tonite!!!

Wheyn you ingest de Ganja Tea

ya brain increases size.

By wut percent? Um…33,

an I aint tellin liez.

Ya asthma? Gone. Ya herpes? Peace!

De arm or leg you lost…

Cuz Ganja Tea helpz amputees

grow limbz back like a boss!

De value of ya home will rise

wif erry sip you take,

ya fridge will fill wif random pies

you didneen make!

Ya manhood will increas in length

(or boobs if yuh a girl),

Shree cups a day will grow ya strength

and BOASTY jheri curls.

I once beleeved it wuz a crime,

but dat wuz in de past,

if i culd travel back in time

I’d slep my dopey ass.

So take it from a ya bredren CLAFE

(dat bredren being me):

be wicked, boasty, criss and SAFE

by drinkin Ganja Tea!