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Life of a Soldier (Short Film)

Categories // Entertainment

Life of a Soldier (Short Film)

Ay buh!

Guys caunt’een front about this one buh de video nearly brought guys to tears showing multiple social issues that are happening in Bermy through the eye of a young mans music.The things we see in headlines but we become so adapted to the new changes, Bermudians have come to not necessarily care about the issue, but more so about who’s been killed or injured this time. We forgotten how to ask why it’s happening and what can/should we do? And those that can change it keep it far from their radar. The 5 minute short filmed by Neo Apex  and directed by Marq Rodriquez really sets the tone to Q the Architect lyrics that will leave you with chills of Bermuda’s new reality. It’  A story of a young mans life growing up in Bermuda. Telling the truths of life on the island that never get to be heard. Hoping it will raise awareness to the realities that are never seen in a place that appears so beautiful.  it also features 1443 who's been laying down tracks on the scene also. Props to arrywun involved buh!

Anyway check de vid and let us know ya thoughts!
