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Travel Talks: South East Asia

Categories // Bermuda Travels

By @BermudaTravels Travel Talks: South East Asia

image 1My name is Amanda Burns and I’m a 25 year old Bermudian on an adventure through South East Asia with my sisters and best friend! I hope to inspire other Bermudians to go out and see the world.

BT:  Which cultural differences impacted you the most while traveling through South East Asia?

AB:South East Asia is comprised of multiple counties each with its own deep-rooted culture and language. Being able to communicate is the most crucial of all life skills and as an English speaking person in Asia, I have learnt quite quickly that a smile and being grateful are universal languages that all people can understand, no matter how wide the language barrier may be.



BT: How has travel influenced and improved on you as a person?

AB: Apart from the obvious impact traveling to new cultures has on a person, I have found the most impact in my personal life in ways I did not expect. As I am backpacking, my life has become quite a communal affair. I share bunk beds, bathrooms, food and more with my sisters and strangers.  ‘I’ is now ‘we’ as we are together 24/7 (literally) and have to ration food and plan our next travel moves daily. Through this I have learnt how to collaborate effectively and comprise when needed. I know I must be proactive and resourceful and held accountable for my portion of work and appreciate others efforts as well. So far I have become a more adventurous, open-minded, confident version of myself and hope to grow even more as the journey continues.


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BT: Is there anything you have access to in Bermuda that you realized you have taken for granted while in a different country?

AB:  Water, water, water! Clean water is as accessible as the turn of a tap at home. Here, we must plan our purchase and intake daily. While it is not expensive in western standards, many locals struggle to afford this basic human need.


 Bermuda Travels is an Instagram page which is a visual podium showcasing Bermudians who travel. Our newest segment is called Travel Talks were we interveiw Bermudians to get insight about their experiences.

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