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What Does Cupmatch Mean to You #CupmatchChallenge

Categories // Memes

by @Terri2kool What Does Cupmatch Mean to You #CupmatchChallenge

There is something amazing about being from Bermuda, outside of the fact that it looks like paradise 24/7/365 and 366 on a leap year! Cupmatch is my second favourite holiday after Bermuda Day (I’m a former majorette. What can I say? LOL) Most Bermudians will say they LOVE cupmatch but often times we don’t really expand on WHY we love the holiday so much.

Being overseas during Cupmatch for the last 4 years takes its toll on a BLO (Bermudian Living Overseas) or BLA (Bermudian Living Abroad, for those Bermies who can’t seem to shake de giggling spell that BLO brings about #sideeye), typically this is the time of the year I am probably the most homesick. In an effort to combat my island scenery withdrawals, I often troll social media, stalking my friends as well as their families online. I picture scenes of business storefronts, cars, even homes decorated with the beautiful, calming BLUE and BLUE colours in support of my team St. George’s. However, there is an equal ‘friendly’ disdain for the red and blue that Somasit fans use in support of those West Biez.

Ultimately, Cupmatch gives me the greatest sense of PRIDE as BLO. Historically, it represents the division that may occur on an island as small as mine being set aside in honour of freedom and unity.

Celebrate Cupmatch with us and join in the #CupmatchChallenge. Make a video of yourself answering "What does Cupmatch mean to you?" then challenge your friends to "top" your video reppin your team!