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Wurk Wurk Wurk Wurk Wurk

Categories // Fashion & style

Wurk Wurk Wurk Wurk Wurk

'Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.' - Edna Woolman Chase


"Wurk wurk wurk wurk wurk

Girl wha ya wearin wurk wurk wurk wurk wurk

Gurl I don't even kno kno kno kno kno

Well let me help you save n slay slay slay

Wurk wurk wurk wurk...."


Let me stop playing, but you know you lots had this struggle. I am always wondering what to wear to work. That being said happy Thrifty Thursdee ace gurls and ace boys!! I hope everyone has had a good week, especially after the protests and whatnot going on in Bermy. Now Good Friday is tomorrow so I hope you lots got your fish cakes and your outfits all sorted. This week we're gonna chat about work attire.


Now, if you work in the corporate world and there's no uniforms, you need decent clothes. No clubwear ladies. Now, we all love us some Zara and H&M but sometimes you just don't have that Zara money honey. We don't always have that luxury to be flying out on Jet Blue and hitting up Jersey Gardens. But same time it's always good to try and buy Bermuda, if you can afford it that is. Acegurl doesn't always have that money to be shopping at Gibbons or Benetton. Where's a lil Smith's and Triminghams when you need em?? No diss to de rest of you lot in tahn but I'm just saying, how those prices be set up.... *sips tea*


So you already know what I'm going to suggest though. Yassss hunty, thrifting. Fellas you know I got you too. See listen, people are always giving to charity and they be giving some nice things away. Now I gave a listing of places to check out. Click here in case you missed it.


I, myself will need to build my work wardrobe back up once I return back to work. I'm also a new mother, so I'm on a tight budget as well. When I go back to work I'll take you thrifting with me. I'll be saving and slaying honey child.


So here's a few suggestions.

  1. Always take an inventory of what you need.

  2. Then make a list of the needs and the wants. Be extra mindful how you budget. That way the money you save on thrifted items you can use on one of your want items.

  3. Now, keep in mind, you don't really need to buy a huge amount of clothing. For example, you can buy 5 shirts, 3 skirts, a dress and 2 pairs of pants. You can mix and match each week.

  4. When shopping for work clothes, you want to dress smart and buy smart too. Stick to your budget!!

  5. When going to each thrift store, make sure you take your time. Make sure there aren't any stains on the clothing and the items aren't dingy and faded. A missing button is ok. That's an easy fix. Always keep in mind though, one needs to always dress for success when it comes to work. Even if you wear a uniform, you are a representation of yourself and the company. Take pride in your appearance. The competition is real out there.

  6. Now time for the shoes. You can find great shoes at great prices when you go thrifting. Just take the time to look. Now you know our mommas love shoes. Well mine got a whole container full of shoes by thrifting. You know, those ones you get from Gorhams! Moms don't play. Now, to my ace girls... leave those stilettos at home!! Or just wait until Happy Hour hunty. Make sure your shoes are clean, heels are not clicking and leaning like the Tower of Pisa. Fellas, buff dem shoes.

  7. Add some personality to your ensemble. Just because you're dressing for work doesn't mean you can't still be interesting.

  8. Now go save and slay you lot!!


