Term | Definition |
Sack | place 1. Warwick Secondary School, now called T.N. Tatem |
Safe | |
Safeness | |
Sahn | place 1. Harringtong Sound; sometimes called The Great Sound noun 1. things you hear SEE ALSO Harrington Sound
Sally Basset Day | 1. a hot oppressive summer day such as that which Sally Bassett was put to death SEE LSO Sally Bassett |
Sands | place 1. a nickname for Sandy's Primary or Middle school 2. Sandy's Parish |
Sashun | |
Sawf | |
Scaaf | |
Scientist | |
Scolly | noun /skahl-lee/ 1. a piece of cloth worn on the head similar to a du rag 2. what nearly arry olda female has to protect de weave "oh no she's rain owt, whurrz my SCOLLY TO?!" SEE ALSO scaaf |
Scrambling | |
Sea Puddin | noun /see-poh d-in/ 1. a sedentary see animal that looks like an old tire and squirts water at you when you squeeze dem
Seddee | noun /sat-dee/ 1. Saturday |
Seen |